Micro Matic has dedicated itself to serving our customers. With an unparalleled lineup of service and support teams, we are here to ensure your success.
Make sure you contact us to get answers regarding the installation, service, and maintenance of all your Micro Matic equipment.
EXPERT Customer Support
At Micro Matic, our commitment is to deliver excellence in every engagement with our customers continually. Our customer service teams are readily available from placing an order to answering any technical questions you might have regarding products, troubleshooting, or draft systems in general. As the industry experts, we're here to help.
NATIONAL Installer Network
Micro Matic National Network of Installers provide scalable installation and support services across the USA and Canada through a single point of contact.
Whether you need to install a new draft beer system in multiple locations, upgrade your equipment to improve efficiencies, or require technical support, our sales consultants will assemble a team of certified Micro Matic technicians dedicated to the success of your project.
The Micro Matic Dispense Institute provides world-class draft training and education from industry professionals, teaching your staff the techniques to deliver taste, quality, and profit.
We strive to bring your team technical knowledge and best practices at one of our four regional training centers or through a customizable on-site dispense training program.
DEDICATED Project Management
When you work with Micro Matic, you’ll not only get a great product but a great installation experience as well. We’ve applied years of expert knowledge, installation experience, and project management skills to deliver success, no matter the project's size. We work pro-actively to solve any problems expediently, executing your plans in a timely and cost-effective manner.
RESOURCE Learning Center
Micro Matic leads the industry with proven technology and resources to propel your business to the top of the market.
Check out our new Learning Center to get the latest technical information, troubleshooting techniques, and best practices from our team of beverage dispense experts.
How Can We Help YOU?
Contact one of our expert customer service representatives to learn more about our products and services.
Commercial: (866) 327-4159 | Consumer/Retail: (866) 297-4159